Literature & Merchandise


There is an enormous range of NA literature on the subject of Recovery, which is available at meetings. Check out some of the leaflets as reproduced online by the NA World Service Office.


Am I an Addict?

Welcome to NA

Who, What, How & Why? 


World Services 

There is a guide to world services that is Linked below that is a PDF copy that can be downloaded.

Guide to World Services


Calendar - Meetings & Events



Virtual NA Meeting Resources

Link to resources


These are also available in printed form via mail–order via
The UK Service Office
Derby House
12 Winckley Square
0207 251 4007

[email protected]

Recovery Literature

Written by members, our literature offers identification and a message of hope to the still-suffering addict. Recovery literature is an invaluable source of help for members, potential members, and those who want to help addicts. Select a language from the drop-down menu to access our pamphlets and booklets. To purchase a book or any of our literature, visit our webstore:

The NA program is a way of life which is based in the Twelve Steps. The steps offer members an avenue for growth and change to maintain their recovery. We learn how to apply these steps to our lives by reading NA literature and going to meetings.

The collective experience of NA members can be heard in our literature, illustrating how we live life on life’s terms. Over the years NA has changed, our literature has expanded and been revised, but the message remains the same: An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.


If you would like to contribute in another way by buying some for the NA merchandise then this is a link to the products that NA produces.

Shopping online for NA products.

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