What does NA cost?
It costs nothing to attend Narcotics Anonymous and yet we don’t seek or take funding from any outside body. NA is not a commercial enterprise. At the end of each meeting those attending are free to contribute voluntarily towards the cost of holding the meeting. The money is used to cover the cost of tea, coffee, NA literature and the rental of the room. No one is ever required or forced to contribute financially. Our ethos is if you have it and can contribute great, if you don’t, that’s OK, don’t worry about it. Our aim is simply to break even and cover our expenses as no one gets paid for facilitating a NA meeting.
Is NA Religious?
NA is not a religious organisation, nor does it discriminate against anyone holding religious, spiritual or secular views, you are free to believe, or not believe, anything you want. Though some of our meetings are held in church halls it is simply because they are available, amenable and affordable. We have no affiliation with any of these establishments we simply rent rooms as do many other community organisations.
What sort of Organisation is NA?
NA is not a government or social services body. We are not addiction professionals, nor do we purport to be. We don’t offer counselling, detoxes or advice. NA works simply through members sharing their experience of what has worked for them. NA is what is currently referred to in the UK as a Mutual Aid organisation, NA helps addicts to stop taking drugs, get well and change the quality of their lives. We consider those that are new to NA to be the most important people in our meetings because we have learnt that helping others is a gift that reinforces our motivation and like to stay drug free.
Is NA solely for Opioid users?
In NA we are not concerned about what drugs people may have used, what they have done in the past or what their personal status might be, we are only interested in what they like to do to change their life and how we can help. Addiction cuts across all segments of society and age groups and affects people in differing ways. In the beginning many who come to our meetings think they are different and will not belong, but on attending meetings and hearing others talk about their experiences they often realise how similar these are to their own.
What is the referral process?
There are no waiting lists for NA. If one of your clients would like to attend a meeting they just need to show up. Anyone is welcome to attend our 'Open' meetings, PHE (Public Health England) encourages professionals to experience NA meetings for themselves, or better still bring a client along (see the NA Meetings page for more information). There are over 1,200 weekly NA meetings taking place each week in the UK, as Covid restrictions are relaxed many in person meetings are opening up again, in this transition we still have over 800 online, and 400 in person weekly meetings throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Going forward we would like there to be a greater mix of online and in person meetings. Up to date info. on Physical meetings can be found here and Online meetings can be found here .
© 2021 Narcotics Anonymous UK [email protected]
Links to any sites, other than those of Narcotics Anonymous, are provided solely as a courtesy and should not be seen as implying an affiliation or endorsement of any other entity or agency.