Am I an Addict ?

Am I an Addict ?


All of us in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous have asked ourselves this crucial question. It is perhaps the most difficult decision we have ever had to make. Maybe we could admit that we had addictive tendencies when it came to food, work and play etc, but never drugs! Denial played a great part in preventing us from answering honestly.

There is a leaflet with a series of questions which can help:

It is called ‘Am I an addict?’ and is reproduced online by the Narcotics

Anonymous World Service Office.

Click here to open Am I An Addict? in a new window

What is addiction?

The Narcotics Anonymous program uses a simple, experience-oriented concept of addiction by defining it as a disease from which recovery is possible. Narcotics Anonymous does not qualify its use of the term ‘disease’ in any medical or therapeutic sense, nor does NA attempt to persuade others of the correctness of its views or that recovering addicts can be cured. The NA fellowship simply asserts that its members have found that an acceptance of addiction as a disease is an effective way of helping them come to terms with their condition and finding recovery.

Narcotics Anonymous encourages its members to abstain completely from all drugs including alcohol because NA members have discovered that complete and continuous abstinence provides the best foundation for recovery and personal growth. Narcotics Anonymous however, takes no stand on the use of caffeine, nicotine, or sugar. Similarly, the use of prescribed medication for the treatment of specific medical or psychiatric conditions is neither encouraged nor prohibited by NA. While recognising numerous questions in these areas, Narcotics Anonymous feels they are matters of personal choice and encourages its members to consult their own experience, the experience of other members, and the opinions of qualified health professionals to help them make up their minds about these subjects.

Welcome to Narcotics Anonymous NA offers addicts a way to live drug-free. If you are not sure you’re an addict,don’t worry about it; just keep coming to our meetings. You will have all the time you need to make up your own mind.

Link to Welcome to Narcotics Anonymous information pamphlet