Disability in NA

Disability in NA


SWL Web & Disabilities in NA This group is working to connect members and newcomers with disabilities in NA and to find the existing members with disabilities. NA is all about unity and inclusivity especially for the newcomer but also for those who struggle to get to meeting due to their disabilities. This is a virtual group meeting on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month only at 7.30pm UK/Irish time on Zoom.


Examples of disabilities included in our group are -

Physical disabilities

Mobility issues


Partially sighted


Hard of hearing

Speech impaired

Learning disabilities



Mental illness

Chronic illness


Like any other NA group our primary purpose it to carry the message to the still suffering addict–you can attend our meeting if you have a desire to get clean, you don’t have to been clean to be welcome.


Talk to an addict in recovery with disabilities – please call the NA helpline and they will put you in touch with one of our group members.

Virtual meetings–you can access many meeting via NA websites but here is the link for our meeting and for some other minority group meetings –

https://us02web.zoom/j/86759492… Please note our meeting is currently only on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month 7.30pm BST.

Below are links to a Mental Illness in Recovery group and to an Illness in Recovery group –



https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7193918239 Password-258549


Minority Groups – Disabilities in NA is one of many minority groups in NA. We link in with illness in recovery groups and mental illness groups. The difference with us is we place a special focus on disabilities and are providing a platform for members with disabilities to connect in a way that isn’t happening in general meetings. Members of our group might feel separate, isolated and different, our aim is to help us feel heard and included with identification and empathy.


NA Worldwide

Narcotics Anonymous is present worldwide.
For more information and worldwide directories please visit na.org


ASL Resources

In support to those deaf and hard of hearing addicts seeking recovery in NA, we offer the following ASL (American Sign Language) resources. Please share this information with any addict who uses ASL. And please write to us at [email protected] and let us know if you have any ideas or success with providing additional support to deaf and hard of hearing addicts seeking recovery.


NA ASL Image
Never Alone Deaf Group NADG schedule - Meetings


ASL Resources - Recordings 


Little White Booklet ASL video